pittura, disegno, mosaico XL Label
itPreferred Label of
- Vocabularies of the DAI-libraries ▸ Klassische Archäologie [translation missing for 'en'] ▸ peripheral cultures ▸ Sassanians ▸ painting, design, mosaic
- Vocabularies of the DAI-libraries ▸ Klassische Archäologie [translation missing for 'en'] ▸ peripheral cultures ▸ Cyprus ▸ painting, design, mosaics
- Vocabularies of the DAI-libraries ▸ Klassische Archäologie [translation missing for 'en'] ▸ peripheral cultures ▸ Anatolia ▸ painting, design, mosaic
- Vocabularies of the DAI-libraries ▸ Klassische Archäologie [translation missing for 'en'] ▸ Minoan-Mycenaean culture ▸ painting, drawing, mosaics
Alternative Label of
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