"institutes"@en . "instituts"@fr . "istituti"@it . "Institute"@de . "The Society of Professional Archaeologists"@de . "American Schools of Oriental Research"@de . "The Open University"@de . "Archaeological Institute of America"@de . "Applied Science Center for archaeology"@de . "Etruscan Foundation"@de . "University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum"@de . "Byzantine Center at Dumbarton Oaks"@de . "American Numismatic Society"@de . "American Philological Association"@de . "University of Pennsylvania"@de . "Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory"@de . "[varia]"@de . "Council for Old World Archaeology"@de . "Center for the Study of Archaeological Materials"@de . "Southeast Archaeological Center, Tallahassee"@de . "Smithsonian Institution"@de . "The Center for Hellenic Studies"@de . "American Center of the International Photographic Archive of Papyri"@de . "University of California, Berkeley"@de . "Princeton University Department of Art and Archaeology"@de . . . . "United States of America"@en . . "Etats Unis d'Amérique"@fr . . "Stati Uniti d'America"@it . . "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"@de . . "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (xPraxInstUSA)"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .