"Brunnenfiguren"@de . "Frauenstatuen"@de . "statue femminili"@it . "statues de femmes"@fr . "statues of women"@en . "Herkulanerinnen"@de . "Ercolanesi"@it . "Herculanaises"@fr . "Herculaneum women"@en . "Herrscherstatuen"@de . "monarchi e imperatori"@it . "monarchs and emperors"@en . "monarques et empereurs"@fr . "Historiengruppen"@de . "groupes historiques"@fr . "groupi storici"@it . "historical groups"@en . "Jupiter-Säulen"@de . "colonne di Giove"@it . "colonnes de Jupiter"@fr . "Jupiter columns"@en . "Jünglingsstatuen"@de . "Kampfgruppen"@de . "Kindergruppen"@de . "grouppes d'enfants"@fr . "bambini e fanciulli"@it . "Korai"@de . "Koroplastik"@de . "coroplastica"@it . "coroplastics"@en . "coroplastique"@fr . "Kultpersonal"@de . "cult personnel"@en . "personnale di culto"@it . "personnel du culte"@fr . "Männerstatuen"@de . "statue maschili"@it . "statues d'hommes"@fr . "statues of men"@en . "Panzerstatuen"@de . "cuirassed statues"@en . "statue con corazza"@it . "statues à cuirasse"@fr . "Peplophoren"@de . "peplofori"@it . "péplophores"@fr . "peplophoroi"@en . "Reiterstatuen"@de . "horsemen"@en . "Symplegmata"@de . "simplegma"@it . "symplegata"@fr . "symplegma groups"@en . "Togati"@de . "statue togate"@it . "toga statues"@en . "togati"@fr . "Mythologische Figuren"@de . "Götterstatuen"@de . "Tierstatuen"@de . "Obelisken"@de . "obelischi"@it . "obelisks"@en . "obélisques"@fr . ""@de . "Mantelfiguren"@de . "ammantati"@it . "palliati"@fr . "palliati"@en . "Gespanne"@de . "carri"@it . "chariots"@en . "chars"@fr . "Kouroi"@de . "curoi"@it . "Kolossalstatuen"@de . "Eidolon"@de . "eidolon"@fr . "eidolon"@en . "eidolon"@it . "Mobile Objekte"@de . "Mobile objects"@en . "objets mobiles"@fr . "Oggetti mobili"@it . "Abgüsse"@de . "Abklatsche"@de . "Doppelhermen"@de . "Ehrenstatuen"@de . "Büsten"@de . "bustes"@fr . "busti"@it . "busts"@en . "Hermen"@de . "erme"@it . "hermès"@fr . "herms"@en . "Oscilla"@de . "Oscillum"@it . "Porträts"@de . "portrait"@fr . "portrait"@en . "ritratto"@it . "Retrato"@es . "بورتريه"@ar . "Puteale"@de . "Sitzstatuen"@de . "seated statues"@en . "statue sedute"@it . "statues assies"@fr . "Statuen"@de . "Statua"@it . "Statue"@en . "تمثال"@ar . "پیکره"@fa . "Statuetten"@de . "terracottas"@en . "terracotte"@it . "terre cuites"@fr . "Terrakotten"@de . . . . . "Rundplastiken"@de . . "freestanding sculpture"@en . . "sculpture en ronde bosse"@fr . . "scultura a tutto tondo"@it . . "a tutto tondo"@it . . "en ronde bosse"@fr . . "complessivamente"@it . . "comprehensively"@en . . "globalement"@fr . . "complessiavamente"@it . . "Temas generales"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b1 . _:b1 "Lena Vitt" . _:b1 "2016-06-08T14:41:36+02:00" . _:b2 . _:b2 "Lena Vitt" . _:b2 "2016-06-08T18:20:52+02:00" . _:b3 . _:b3 "Lena Vitt" . _:b3 "2016-09-19T15:40:04+02:00" . _:b4 . _:b4 "Lena Vitt" . _:b4 "2017-09-05T15:48:17+02:00" . _:b5 . _:b5 "Lena Vitt" . _:b5 "2017-09-05T16:06:32+02:00" . _:b6 . _:b6 "Lena Vitt" . _:b6 "2017-09-05T16:21:36+02:00" . _:b7 . _:b7 "Lena Vitt" . _:b7 "2017-11-14T12:05:07+01:00" . _:b8 . _:b8 "Lena Vitt" . _:b8 "2018-06-06T15:30:32+02:00" . _:b9 . _:b9 "Lena Vitt" . _:b9 "2018-06-19T14:14:42+02:00" . _:b10 . _:b10 "Lena Vitt" . _:b10 "2018-06-26T14:20:41+02:00" . _:b11 . _:b11 "Lena Vitt" . _:b11 "2018-06-26T14:33:19+02:00" . _:b12 . _:b12 "Lena Vitt" . _:b12 "2018-06-26T14:45:03+02:00" . _:b13 . _:b13 "Lena Vitt" . _:b13 "2018-06-26T15:10:39+02:00" . _:b14 . _:b14 "Lena Vitt" . _:b14 "2018-06-26T15:32:57+02:00" . _:b15 . _:b15 "Lena Vitt" . _:b15 "2018-07-24T13:18:23+02:00" . _:b16 . _:b16 "Lena Vitt" . _:b16 "2018-11-15T12:06:40+01:00" . _:b17 . _:b17 "Lena Vitt" . _:b17 "2018-11-21T11:51:28+01:00" . _:b18 . _:b18 "Lena Vitt" . _:b18 "2018-11-21T15:23:17+01:00" . _:b19 . _:b19 "Lena Vitt" . _:b19 "2018-11-22T15:16:58+01:00" . _:b20 . _:b20 "Lena Vitt" . _:b20 "2019-08-20T14:08:00+02:00" . _:b21 . _:b21 "Lena Vitt" . _:b21 "2019-09-18T15:22:52+02:00" . _:b22 . _:b22 "Lena Vitt" . _:b22 "2019-09-18T15:24:16+02:00" . _:b23 . _:b23 "Annika Kirscheneder" . _:b23 "2020-07-29T14:08:16+02:00" . _:b24 . _:b24 "Annika Kirscheneder" . _:b24 "2021-09-02T18:40:58+02:00" . _:b25 . _:b25 "Annika Kirscheneder" . _:b25 "2021-10-27T12:03:04+02:00" . "Der Term „Rundplastik“ meint freiplastisch bzw. vollplastisch ausgearbeitete Bildwerke, nicht gemeint aber ist Baudekor (dazu siehe „Bauplastik“)."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .