"institutes"@en . "instituts"@fr . "istituti"@it . "Institute"@de . "Leeds University Oriental Society"@de . "International Association of Professional Numismatists"@de . "Prehistoric Society"@de . "Sotheby's"@de . "The Classical Association"@de . "The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies"@de . "The Hadrianic Society"@de . "Oxford University"@de . "The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies"@de . "The United Kingdom Advisory Committee on historic wreck sites"@de . "English Heritage"@de . "Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies"@de . "Société Guernesiaise"@de . "The Aerial Reconnaissance Archives (TARA)"@de . "Egypt Exploration Society"@de . "University of London. Institute of Archaeology"@de . "Kent Archaeological Society"@de . "The Society of Antiquaries of London"@de . "Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society"@de . "The Royal Archaeological Institute"@de . "Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Beazley Archive"@de . "Egypt Exploration Fund"@de . "The Society of Antiquaries"@de . "Palestine Exploration Fund"@de . "Royal Numismatic Society"@de . . . . "Great Britain"@en . . "Grande-Bretagne"@fr . . "Gross-Britannien"@de . . "Gran Bretagna"@it . . "Gross-Britannien (xPraxInstGB)"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .